Okay, so, I got curious about Tiger Woods, the golfer, and I wanted to know what his real name was. You know how some celebrities use stage names? I figured Tiger might be one of them.

First, I did what I always do when I have a random question – I googled it. I typed in “Tiger Woods real name” and waited for the results to load.
The search results popped up pretty quick. I saw a bunch of articles about Tiger, I ignored the part about his crash, it’s sad. And also scrolled past something about a video game. I just wanted to know his real name.
I clicked on a few of the links and started reading. And guess what? It turns out Tiger isn’t his actual first name!
His Real Name
- His full name is Eldrick Tont Woods.
- “Tiger” is actually a nickname!
I learned that his dad, Earl Woods, gave him the nickname “Tiger” in honor of a friend he served with during the Vietnam War. The friend’s name was Vuong Dang Phong, and he was also known as “Tiger.” I thought that was a pretty cool story.
So there you have it. That’s how I found out Tiger Woods’ real name. It was a simple search, but I enjoyed learning something new. It also made me think about how many other celebrities might be using nicknames. Maybe I’ll look into that next!
Anyway, I just wanted to share my little discovery with you all. Hope you found it interesting!